How to Maximize Damage Recovery

persoan injury compensationHow to Maximize Damage Recovery

There are a couple of things you need to do to maximize the damages you receive. We suggest that you create 4 main files. It doesn’t matter if they are paper or digital just as long as you create them. These records not only will establish your medical conditions caused by the accident but also a record of expenses related to your injuries.

Record visits to Doctors & Rehabilitation Experts

It is extremely important that you write down your all your doctor and rehab visits including names of doctors and experts accompanied by the date of each visit. Take pictures of your injuries as soon after the injury as you possibly can. This not only establishes your injuries but also provides a timeline vital to your case.

Document all correspondence with the Insurance Company & Third Parties

Keep logs of all telephone conversations you have with the insurer and or parties involved in your case. Record who you spoke with, what you spoke about and the date of the conversation. These become more valuable as your claim moves forward.

Keep a daily Journal of Symptoms

Keeping a daily journal of your symptoms and emotional state helps to paint a picture of the physical & emotional pain and suffering you have to endure as a result of your injuries. These records will help to establish the impact of your injuries in your daily life.

Keep track of all expenses related to your injuries

Basically you want to be reimbursed for monies paid out as a result of your injuries. To do this properly you need to keep receipts. Expenses that can’t be recited are probably not going to be reimbursed.

Expenses occurred by family members

Most people are not aware that family members can be reimbursed for their time and travel expenses relating to your care as a result of your injury.

The information you collect in these 4 files will help maximize your compensation. Establishing and keeping these files are your responsibility however the rewards of doing it can be enormous!